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cover art by Terry Ergle


The Struggle Between Good & Evil






             Oh! Horror of Horrors! 

               Sergeant John L Hoster

               Diary and Love Letters

   148th New York Volunteers in the Civil War

  Battle of Cold Harbor & Eight Months Captive

     Andersonville, GA & Florence, SC Prisons

                  A Story of Survival

My wife Dianne Dunn Quigley, son Robert J Quigley and I are close to submitting this non-fiction book for publication.  Dianne is John and Josie Hoster's great, great granddaughter.

The Church has known the true story behind vampire folk tales and legends for over 2000 years. Vampires are far more frightening, more devastating and more incredible than any movie or novel has ever portrayed. These so-called vampires are among us - hidden to all but a few unfortunates. They revel in making mankind its own worst enemy. Orphans, the homeless, the lonely, the desperate and the innocent are recruited to do their bidding. The Church has a secret office and organization that tracks and tries to limit their destruction. In ETERNAL two orphans, two detectives, a hotel clerk and a nun play key roles to try to try thwart the exploits of one of the most evil of the thirteen master vampires.

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